About Me

Dhoni Putra Setiawan, Ph.D, a husband, a father, and an academician, these are three things that I usually write in my social media accounts. Born in Sleman City, Special District of Yogyakarta in 1989, I received my Bachelor degree in Telecommunication Engineering from Telkom Institute of Technology (now Telkom University) in 2013 and Master degree in Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering from Telkom University in 2016. During my master degree, I received JASSO scholarship to become a special auditor student at Kumamoto University for six months. Shortly after I received my master degree, I continued my journey and received MEXT scholarship to become a Doctoral student from 2016 until 2019 at the Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering of Kumamoto University, Japan. Now, I am a lecturer in Telecommunication Engineering Department of Telkom University and my speciality is wireless communication technology especially about multicarrier, MIMO, user scheduling, and cooperative communication.

During my study in Japan, I served as President of Indonesian Student Association in Kumamoto (PPI Jepang Komisariat Kumamoto) in 2016-2017, President of Indonesian Student Association in Kyushu and Okinawa Region (PPI Jepang Koordinator Daerah Kyushu-Okinawa) in 2018-2019, and as a member of Supervisory Board of Indonesian Student Association in Japan (Badan Pengawas PPI Jepang) in 2018-2019.

Although this blog is actually designed to be an academic blog, I also want to share different things to make this blog more lively and give a lot of advantages to a lot of people, especially my students. Please enjoy this blog, don’t worry I don’t always write in English, but sometimes I just want to enjoy writing in English beside writing a paper.


Email: setiawandhoni [at] telkomuniversity.ac.id, setiawan.dhoni [at] gmail.com

Linkedin : linkedin.com/in/dhoni-putra-setiawan-9049a6103/

Facebook : facebook.com/dhoni.p.setiawan

Instagram : instagram.com/dhoni.p.setiawan

Researcher Id:

NIDN: 0410048903

Scopus : scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57193251716

Orcid : orcid.org/0000-0002-8508-6637

Google Scholar : scholar.google.com/citations?user=ktelhjkAAAAJ

Research Gate : researchgate.net/profile/Dhoni_Setiawan2